Friday, November 20, 2009

The unexpected strong willed child.

I always dreamed of having children. The picturesque families in the black and white movies gave me visions of a Leave it to Beaver life for myself. Then came time to have children. What was supposed to be our compliant easy to control son turned out to be a strong-willed child that took us for a loop. We didn't realize there was an issue until he was 2. Then came the challenge of what we called "breaking the will without breaking the spirit".

I find that parents who don't have a strong-willed child don't quite understand. And, I have seen other shell-shocked parents who weren't prepared for a strong-will and are trying to figure out what to do about it.

What I would like to do is create a place that parents can talk honestly about what they are facing. A place where no one is judged. A place where we can help each other. I would love to have a couple professionals log on and help us out.

So, chime in. Tell us about your situation. Have you read any books that have helped? Are there other parents you know that would benefit from a forum like this? Pass it on.

My hope is that parents who are stuggling with children can get some help. This social media forum is a great place to connect with others. Why not use it in a contructive and helpful way?


  1. I think this is a fantastic idea. I was just about to write a post about my oldest, who is sort of a grumpy old soul a lot of the time, which is extremely emotionally-draining to manage.

    My second child is my strong-willed child, and I struggled with his defiance even by age 2. We spent years trying to understand him and had a psychologist really help clue us in to how *he* works, which may or may not be helpful for anyone else's kids.

    Our third, though, is pretty even keel. Nice!

    A couple of books that have meant a LOT to me:
    Dr. James Dobson "Raising the Strong-Willed Child,"
    and any of the Love and Logic books, of which I own many that you're welcome to borrow.

    I worry and pray and struggle so much with how to raise my children for their best growth and development, and sometimes I still find myself at a loss, even with a lot of things I've learned over the years from books, Dr. Phil, and good friends' advice.

  2. ps. Will you add on your settings for posting comments the option for a commenter to check a box if they want to see any further comments on that post? If you have any questions I can tell you how to set it up.

    Also, just a hint: you really don't need the word verification. My blog has been up for a couple of years and I've never once gotten any sort of spam comments, even w/out the annoying word verification. ; )
